School Ethos, Vision & Values
Our Ethos
'Let Your Light Shine' - Compassion, Courage, Service, Excellence
At Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School we seek to be a community where all are welcome and encouraged to take their place, regardless of our differences. We encourage hard work and perseverance and we expect everyone to strive to do their very best for themselves and for each other. Our entire community is made strong through collaboration: learning from one another, supporting one another and challenging one another.
We want our lives to be crafted by the teachings of Jesus and the way we work together to mirror His love: patient, kind and never-failing. (1 Corinthians 13)
The vision for our school is underpinned by theology. Our school Bible verse is found in Matthew 5 v 16: 'Let your light shine before others so that they may see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven.' Put simply, we want all our children to recognise the light that their talents, gifts, character and acts of kindness can shine into a dark world, making it a better place for all those around them.
Collective Worship
Our underlying Christian values are explored through exciting, interactive and relevant Collective Worship sessions each week. We remind ourselves of our core values of Compassion, Courage, Service and Excellence each week before diving into a new 'Big Word' to reflect upon. Teaching our values so explicitly allows us to mould a shared understanding of how we live well together.