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Adverse Weather

In previous years we have had to close due to snow and I would like to remind parents of the procedures should this happen. The reason we have to close is because ‘travel to work area’ for staff and conditions can vary a lot at a local level. I need to guarantee adequate supervision of pupils and also look after the health and safety needs of pupils and staff.

During a bad period of weather I will liaise with other Trust Headteachers and we will make a joint decision to ascertain local conditions. The decision to cancel school for the day will be made as early as possible.


The local BBC news will be informed and an announcement put on their website:


Any closure will also be listed on Somerset County Council Website:


In addition to this a notice will also be on our website. We will also send text and e-mail messages to all parents and if possible put a notice on the vehicle gates at school.

Please do not ring the school or County Hall as these telephone lines have to be kept clear for emergency use.

In very rare instances, conditions may develop during the school day that warrants sending children home early. Whenever possible, the decision will be made by 11.00am. This decision and end of school times will be sent via text message and e-mail  to parents. If you are unable to collect your child please arrange for a family member or friend to collect. This is why it is very important that emergency contact details are always kept up to date.


Thank you for your support, if you have any queries with the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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