Parent & Family Support
Being a parent is a demanding role and life doesn't always go to plan. At Holy Trinity, we want to be able to support our families as best we can. There is no judgement in asking for pastoral support, either for you or for your child.
In our Wellbeing Team, we currently have:
Mrs Anna Arnold - Pastoral Lead
Mr Nick Brownhill - Parent and Family Support Advisor (employed by the Taunton Deane Learning Partnership)
If you are struggling with something, please come and ask to speak with Anna Arnold in the first instance who will then be able to direct you to the right level of support for you and your child.
What is the role of the Parent Family Support Advisor?
To enable children to gain maximum benefits from education
To work in partnership with families and the school to help children reach their potential
To work closely with other professionals where necessary or to direct you to other services which may be useful
To be there to work with you or your child if you are experiencing difficulties
The PFSA can help by advising and working with you on issues such as:
Building a partnership with school
Parenting Concerns
Family Issues
Emotions and Relationships
Healthy Eating
Attendance Concerns
Feeling Isolated
Finding information for parents and carers who want to go back to work or education.
They can also be available just to listen and support if you feel you need someone to talk to in confidence.
In addition, they can arrange to meet you in school /home or meet you somewhere convenient for you to have a chat and a coffee and is also available during the school holidays. If you feel you would benefit from the PFSA's help, please speak to Anna Arnold or the school office and we will make a referral on your behalf.
Sources of Support for Parents
School Nursing Service:
If you are a parent of a school age child and require advice and support please contact our
School Nurse text line Parent Service on 07480 635515.
Children's Social Care:
If you are concerned that a child may be at risk or that you are struggling looking after your child please
phone us on 0300 123 2224. We will be able to talk through your concerns with you.
The Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership website has useful information for children and young people, parents and carers, and anyone working with children.
Keeping Children Safe Online:
Please click here to see more information on keeping children safe online.
Additional sources of support:
Information to help with being a parent -
For parents concerned about their child's mental health -
For parents supporting children with emotion based school avoidance -
Advice for parents concerned about their child's mental health -
Empowering children and young people to find the right wellbeing support at the right time -