Our most recent SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report can be found below. We were delighted that some of the rapid changes to the school had been highlighted:
Highly committed and focused leadership has led to rapid improvements in the overall effectiveness of the school.
The Head of School and leadership team, along with parents and partners in the church and the diocese, are working well to develop the school’s Christian character in a way everyone understands.
The new leadership team is passionate about creating a vibrant church school and continuing its development. They are dedicated to creating a strong, cohesive staff team. The Head of School, Assistant Head and Executive Principal have a clear Christian vision for the school that has ensured the strengthening of the school’s distinctive Christian character since their appointments.
Development plans are in place to improve the school academically by providing a variety of new learning programmes in English and Maths. These are already improving the children’s academic achievement.
Confident teaching in RE and varied learning tasks challenge pupils’ understanding and encourage them to apply the knowledge they have acquired.
The behaviour of children in worship is good because they are focused and engaged.
A plan for collective worship, with Christian values at its centre, is being developed. This has been shared with the other schools in the MAT providing non-church schools with exemplary materials to support their collective worship development.
Some impact of worship is seen in the Forest School activities, ably led by the Assistant Head, where the children are learning to respect God’s creation and take responsibility for each other when they work together. The children are very excited about their fortnightly day outside, where they are given time to reflect on what is happening in their lives, experience new challenges and be the best they can be.
The school is making good progress in developing its understanding of its six core values (respect, responsibility, perseverance, integrity, courage and tolerance) and linking them to the children's learning and well-being.
The relationship with the local church is good and the vicar makes an important contribution to school life by leading regular worship times.
Parents praise the school’s care for their children and the openness of staff, saying, “They are always there to listen and to help.”