Latest Letters Home
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo which makes it easy to communicate with teachers, families and staff anytime, anywhere.
To sign up, speak to your child's teacher.
Communicating Events
At the beginning of the Autumn Term the school sends out a Year Planner with all major events listed including Sports Day, Easter Assembly etc. In addition we have a notice board outside our school gate highlighting future events as well as putting information on the website regularly.
A monthly school newsletter is emailed to parents/carers. The newsletter includes information about what the pupils are doing in school, forthcoming events, news from the Multi-Academy Trust and any general messages.
They can be found here
Complaints Procedure and Guidance
If you have a concern or query, please speak with your child's class teacher in the first instance. If after doing so you would like to speak with the Head of School, please make an appointment through the school office.
please find our contact details in the Contact Us section of our website.
Online Payments
Please login to your child's online ParentMail account to book Trizone or make a payment for trips or other events e.g swimming. If you are registering for the first time, you will receive a registration email with instructions from ParentMail