Being a Church School
Christian Distinctiveness
The Church of England has a goal that all of its schools are 'distinctively Christian' and that this makes a tangible difference to the lives of its community and the ethos of the school.
At Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, we aim to follow the Church of England's 'Vision for Education', which has its foundations in Jesus' words in John 10 v 10: 'I have come to give life in all its fullness.'
The Vision for Education is built around four pillars: wisdom, hope, community and dignity. We aim to support this in all we do as a school.
Celebrating God's Story
Each of our classes is named after a different part of the universe that God has created, and each year group has its own theme and Bible verse. The Bible verse teaches the children something about God's character and what that in turn means for us as humans living together.
Local artist, Sue Lennox, made each of our verses into the most beautiful canvases which are on display in the main hall - see our gallery below.