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All Trust schools are accountable to Academies of Character and Excellence (ACE) Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility for effective and appropriate systems of control. All our schools have their own dedicated Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) or a Core Group. 

For further details Please click links below:


ACE Trust Board

ACE Governance Structure

Scheme of Delegation

Teaching and Learning Committee

The Teaching & Learning Committee plays a significant role in helping the school and the Trust achieve its core purpose of:

Delivering outstanding outcomes for all pupils

Supporting the effectiveness and impact of the schools’ provision for Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual purpose 

Supporting the school's child protection and safeguarding policy

Monitoring attendance at school level


The committee will meet four times during the academic year. 

Meeting dates for 2023/2024:

2 October 2023

05 February 2024 

02 May 2024

04 July 2024 

2023/24 committee members are: Lisa Eadie, Daniel Schoner, Sarah Marshall (Chair, Safeguarding & Foundation) and Sophie Cowdell, Rev. Tobie Osmond (Foundation) and Hannah Prickett (Parent). Foundation vacancy. 

Ethos Committee

Holy Trinity is accountable to the ACE Board of Directors. To ensure excellent links between the Board of Directors and the school, Holy Trinity, has an Ethos Committee which meets regularly to discuss community issues and to ensure that the school is continually moving forwards towards its goal of becoming an excellent Church of England primary school. 


The Ethos Committee is responsible for overseeing the spiritual development of the school in line with the Church of England's Vision for Education.

If you would like to get involved in our Ethos Committee, please use the contact us form on this website.

The 2023/24 Ethos Committee members are Sarah Marshall (Chair), Lisa Eadie, Reverend Tobie Osmond, Hannah Prickett, Sophie Cowdell and Daniel Schoner. For further information please get in touch through the school office.

Electronic or hard copies of minutes from the meetings of the Teaching and Learning Committee are available upon request. Please contact the school office.

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